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As I embark on this new ( I don't even know what to call it) adventure. I wonder why I'm doing it. What do I hope to gain? As usual , I did a lot of reading and am ignoring most of the advice . If I focus on one thing to blog about, sure I'll attract people in that vein, but what if I don't want to be limited to one topic? What if I can't be? Deep down, I suppose I have a few motivations. One is to try and get myself out there and for the first time push for what I want. It seems ridiculous, but it's rare for me to push myself forward. My life has always been about others, making their lives better and helping them. a huge part of what i love about teaching martial arts. I put myself last in all things, making sure those I care about have what they need and I make do with what I've got. My passive personality has always floated along, letting life do its thing. I can't say I've never tried for anything, but it's rare. I've allowed the universe (you can call it what you want God, Fate, Mother Nature, Life, or any number of names) to lead me. I drive my wife crazy with my "it is what it is" philosophy. I typically keep my feelings close to myself, rarely letting people in. Part of it is, I'm better at writing my feelings than saying them. Most of it is that I want to help others and feel like hiding me is a part of that. Obviously, I've changed as I get older. It's funny as I write this, I keep deleting lines and then rewriting them and deleting them again. My hope for this blog is several things. I'd like to promote myself and my writing and maybe be able to make something happen with it. I'd like to help people with what my experiences have been. Future blogs may address these things. Of course, that means I'd have to open up and fight those instincts I've had for so long. We'll see what comes of it. For anyone reading this, I appreciate your support. I'm going to try and write many things here in my head and we'll see where it goes. I'm ranging from thoughts of things I'm reading and watching to what it was like growing up with a long term disease and what it can do to your physical and emotional state. If you want to be on the journey with me, you're more than welcome. Everyone is welcome at any point. If not, it's all good. It is what it is.

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